Solving the College Puzzle

Solving the College Puzzle Class

Need Help Planning for College?

44758009_sThe college application and selection process is a stressful time for many families.  However, it can be a valuable lesson in self-discovery and the decision making process.  Many families will look back on their college visits fondly. But with advice from relatives and numerous internet sources available, who do you trust?  We have put together a class that will help you organize and optimize the college search experience.  These small groups are run by James Maroney, who has toured hundreds of colleges and been involved in educational consulting since 1999.  At the end of this four-session course you will have:

  • A list of appropriate colleges that has been reviewed by an admissions expert.
  • A polished student resume that has been reviewed by one of our consultants. You will learn how to use this resume to make the application process easier and get the best possible recommendations from your teachers (we will even teach you how to ask for recommendations).
  • A winning essay that truly shines your “admissions hook”.
  • Coaching and preparation for the interview.
  • A plan for visiting the colleges. We’ll teach you what to look for on a college visit.
  • A bound copy of all your work and tests from the class in a one hour wrap-up meeting between you, your family, and one of our consultants.
  • An estimate of your EFC  and an understanding of how to use that in the college search process
  • An account on our website to help you organize the process. We’ll send you timely reminders of important deadlines.

Classes are limited to 6 students. Each student receives a binder that includes the basic information from the class. It will serve as a reference for students throughout the college application and selection process. The cost of this class is $495 a student. Our next class starts on April 26 and runs for 4 weeks.

Call us for more details on how we can help you SOLVE THE COLLEGE PUZZLE

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