Looking for an ACT or SAT Tutor?

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Academic Math Tutoring

SAT Test Prep CT
First Choice has partnered with Room17 Math to give you access to top math teachers who can help you improve your understanding of math and share their passion.  Room17 Math meets with students individually in person or online.

AI College Counselor

Online SAT Classes

First Choice has partnered with CollegeTreasure.com to offer you access to their AI College Counselor.  You can ask your questions about college admission, selection, learning differences, and more!

College Essay Writing

Collage Admission Essay Editing

Effective essay writing is a major factor in the college admissions process. You’ll learn how to craft an essay that stands out, will show your knowledge and ability in the best light, and distinguishes you from other applicants.

Private SAT or ACT Tutoring

SAT Tutoring CT

Need help with the SAT or ACT? Our SAT and ACT tutoring sessions will give you the support you need to achieve the results that will get you accepted into the school  you desire. All of our tutors are graduates of top colleges who are passionate about helping students succeed.

Our SAT & ACT Tutoring Gets Results!

SAT Preparation Courses in CTAn increase of 100 points on your SAT scores can mean the difference between getting accepted by or rejected by your #1stChoiceCollege.  It could mean thousands of dollars in college scholarships. In fact, a study showed that an increase of just 30 points on your SAT score could significantly improve your chance of admission at some colleges.

For over two decades First Choice tutors have helped their students achieve success on standardized tests and maximize their test scores.  Find out how we can help you improve your scores!

Buy this book on Amazon

What makes a good college essay? Why should a college admission offer accept you? How do colleges use the essay in the admission process? How do I write a good essay?

Find the answer to these questions and many more in the book, How to Write an Essay That Stands out and Gets you InJames Maroney, an educational consultant who has toured over 100 campuses and helped 1000’s of students achieve their college dreams shares his tips for writing an easy that helps you stand out and get in.

how to write a college essay that stands out and gets you in

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